Extended Hours for Polytechnic campus Library

To better serve the campus community, the Arizona State University Library at the Polytechnic campus is now open for extended hours. The new hours, which started August 22, are Monday-Thursday 8 a.m.-midnight, Friday 8 a.m.-7 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m., and Sunday noon-midnight.

Charles Brownson, director of Library Services at the Polytechnic campus, said one consistent suggestion from students was for the library to be opened extended hours and on weekends.

"We had our first week of extended hours, and there were patrons in the Library every night until midnight," Brownson says. "This is something students have been wanting for a long time." Brownson adds that funding for the extended hours was paid for by reallocating existing resources.

The Library, located on the lower level of the Academic Center building, has extensive group and individual study space, wireless Internet access, computer clusters, and a growing print collection. The Library also provides electronic access to hundreds of article databases and over 18,000 full-text journals, and has a vigorous document delivery service which delivers requested materials to the user's desktop, usually within a day or two. In addition, productivity tools such as RefWorks, a Blackboard-style environment for scholarly resources, are available.

The newest feature being offered is "Get It," a link resolver for citations. When a student searches for a citation, "Get It" will link directly from the citation to the full text, when available.

During Library operating hours, the Oasis desk will be staffed with personnel who can provide circulation and reference assistance, as well as general campus information. A new reference and instruction librarian, Danielle Carlock joined the staff in June. Her background is in biology and in health science reference. She and Ellen Welty, also a reference and instruction librarian, stand ready to assist students and faculty with their research needs.

For information, contact the Library at the Polytechnic campus at (480) 727-1037 or eastref@asu.edu, or visit the Web site at http://eastlib.poly.asu.edu/.