Emeritus faculty offer lectures, short courses

They’re experts in physics and astronomy, English, psychology, civil engineering, history, dance, education and more. And they want to speak to your group.
They are members of the Emeritus College at Arizona State University and they have volunteered to teach short courses and give lectures in their specialties.
The Emeritus College consists of more than 400 retired professors from ASU and other universities. The Courses and Lectures program offers members the opportunity to lecture and teach in their disciplines beyond campus boundaries, said Len Gordon, dean of the college.
Lectures are usually 50 to 75 minutes long, and courses can vary from one to 10 lectures. Single lectures are presented gratis to service and other nonprofit groups, though honoraria are appreciated. Courses usually require a modest stipend.
A sample of lectures and courses available:
“The Northern Lights: Myths and Science,” a lecture by Per Aanestad, professor emeritus of physics and astronomy, ASU.
“Your Brain,” a course by Jay Braun, professor emeritus of psychology, ASU.
“The Oral Traditions of American Indians,” lecture by Lou-ellen Finter, professor emerita of music education, Five Towns College.
“Walt Whitman’s Final Illness and Surprising Autopsy,” lecture by Beatrice Gordon, professor emerita of English,” ASU.
“Intimacy and Commitment,” a lecture by Mary Laner, professor emerita, sociology, ASU.
“Literary Traditions in the Bible and Gospels,” a course by Donald K. Sharpes, professor emeritus of education, Weber State University.
Organizations wishing to have lectures or courses on topics other than those listed in the Guide to Lectures and Courses may contact the Emeritus College and the college will attempt to provide an expert speaker.
For more information, or to receive a Guide to Lectures and Courses, contact the Emeritus College, (480) 965-0002.