Dropbox collaboration to catalyze business of education at ASU

Ranked second on U.S. News & World Report’s list of most innovative schools for 2014, ASU has morphed traditional approaches to learning into hybrid, online, active and adaptive learning environments.


In the past decade, Arizona State University has revolutionized the definition of the classroom. Ranked second on U.S. News & World Report’s list of most innovative schools for 2014, ASU has morphed traditional approaches to learning into hybrid, online, active and adaptive learning environments. 

ASU is continuing its efforts to innovate by partnering with the cloud storage company Dropbox to provide a new tool for faculty and staff to use in the workplace.

“ASU has more than 10,000 faculty and staff. Incorporating this enterprise collaboration system means boosting efficiency, speed, access, data sharing and the quality of our academic, research and administrative operations,” said Gordon Wishon, chief information officer with ASU’s University Technology Office.

At ASU, the widespread use of individual Dropbox accounts will allow for easy adoption of this cloud-based enterprise platform. Advantages include unlimited storage, as well as new business collaboration tools and security features, and elimination of stumbling blocks such as thumb drives, slow servers, and email traffic that hamper shared projects and research collaborations abroad. 

”Our reach becomes as immediate and broad as the Internet,” said Wishon. “An ASU curriculum specialist working in Singapore can develop and upload a shared graduate curriculum and connect with an educator teaching in Paris, an administrator in China and IT support in Tempe.” 

The new system can also integrate with the existing ASU access control systems and offers business continuity features allowing the rollback to previous versions of documents, unlimited recovery of deleted files and automated file backups. 

Dropbox for Business has already been incorporated into select departments at ASU, with full enterprise deployment expected by the end of the calendar year. 

For more information on how to use Dropbox for Business in your department or school, visit links.asu.edu/DropboxKnowledge. To sign up for an account, visit links.asu.edu/dropbox.