Dr. Peter Kileen participates in Last Lecture Series

Dr. Peter Kileen has been selected to give a lecture as part of the 2008 ASU Last Lecture Series at 7 p.m., April 14th. The lecture entitled "Greek Mind, Geek Mind; Chaos, Complementarity, Consciousness" will take place in the Education Lecture Hall (EDC 117). The lecture will be preceded by an informal reception at 7 p.m.

Below is a brief description of the content of the lecture:

Plato’s distinction between models and things, and Aristotle’s four foundational modes of knowing, have supported scientific inquiry for two millennia. Aristotle’s fifth mode, dynamic modification of states, provides the challenge for the next millennium of science. Realized in Plato’s scheme, feedback gives birth to self-fulfilling prophecies and self-referential paradoxes; realized in Aristotle’s, it produces stabilization, or oscillation, or chaos. Humans comprise a self-referential system equally capable of self-scrutiny and self-delusion, of single-mindedness and instability. The role of consciousness in mediating these states is contemplated.