College Database ranks ASU most affordable in Ariz.

The College Database has ranked Arizona State University first in Arizona for affordability in a new ranking that compares tuition rates with success entering the workforce upon graduation.
The list evaluates the top seven universities and colleges in the Valley of the Sun with annual tuition under $20,000, and whose new graduates average starting salary is over $30,000.
With base in-state tuition at $9,208, the study found that most graduates of ASU receive $45,000 in their first year alone. The University of Arizona placed second, with an average starting salary of $44,900.
The university has taken many steps to ensure students receive a high-quality education that will prepare them for successful careers across all disciplines. According to recent bachelor’s degree recipients, 82.4 percent said they were offered at least one job within 90 days of graduating. Those who completed a master's or doctoral program at ASU also were offered or accepted a job within 90 days of graduation. Bachelor degree recipients from 2011 with a GPA of 3.5 and higher were found to be making $46,625.
“A student choosing to attend ASU can be confident that their choice will pay dividends over the course of their lifetime. Whether it is working with professors on research or securing an internship with a leading company in their chosen field, the ASU student experience sets our graduates apart from others in the job field,” said David Burge, executive director of Undergraduate Admissions.
The Wall Street Journal agrees with these sentiments. The paper ranked ASU fifth in the nation among the top universities favored by employers for recruiting. Annual recruiting and career events held on each of the four campuses draw more than 1,600 unique organizations.
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