ASU's Week in Pictures

Maricela Miller and Karla Perez, both junior transfer students from local community colleges, examine a campus map to locate their classes as the spring semester began this week.

Jacob Sosa, a junior transfer student from Central Arizona Community College, works on his laptop between classes. Sosa is a drummer and percussionist and was excited to begin his study of jazz in the School of Music.

Robert Burnham looks over the three-dimensional model that shows the Grand Canyon and Mars' Valles Marineris together, and to the same scale, on display in the lobby of the ISTB4 building.

The ASU School of Art in the Herberger Institute, its printmaking students and associate professor Mary Hood are hosting five Native American artists who are participating in the 2013 biennial Map(ing) Project. Pictured above, printmaking graduate student Kihyun Kwon prepares the stencil used in screen-printing for artist Nicholas Galanin's project.

Rachel Nore (left), an MFA candidate in printmaking, and artist Sonya Kelliher-Combs, an ASU School of Art alumnus, collaborate on Kelliher-Combs' print. Hanging on the wall in the background are proofs of a serigraph by Arizona artist and ASU School of Art alumus Thomas Greyeyes.

Rachel Nore and associate professor Mary Hood (center) help Sonya Kelliher-Combs consider design options for her print.

As the work continues, Sonya Kelliher-Combs coats her prints in beeswax.

For artist Rowan Harrison (center), the Map(ing) Project introduced him to printmaking. Shane Smith, an MFA candidate in printmaking, prepares ink used in Harrison's artwork.

Artists and their student collaborators listen as Rachel Nore (center in blue) and Sonya Kelliher-Combs (third from right) discuss the project during a public forum at the Night Gallery.

Undergraduate student collaborators Emma Ringness (left) and Emily Lewis examine a freshly screened image for artist Thomas Greyeyes' print.

ASU School of Art printmaking students Estrella Payton (left) and Daniel Kanu work into the night as they apply adhesive to laser cut paper elements that will be part of artist C. Maxx Stevens' work.

Daniel Kanu, C. Maxx Stevens and Estrella Payton scrutinize the set of limited edition prints that will become part of the Map(ing) collection held at the ASU Art Museum and the ASU School of Art.

Sarah Mendelson, deputy assistant administrator for USAID, spoke at the Challenge Slavery event held Jan. 9 at the Memorial Union. Sponsored by ASU Global and the College of Public Programs, the event worked to redefine perceptions of human trafficking.

Kaitlyn Fitzgerald, director of the Changemaker Central Student Leadership team, concluded the Challenge Slavery event with a call to action. To learn more about the event, visit: