ASU professors published in Tennessee law journal

Articles by Clinical Professors Susan Chesler and Kimberly Holst of the College of Law recently were published in a special edition of Transactions: The Tennessee Journal of Business Law.
The special edition featured presentations at the Third Biennial Conference on Teaching Law and Skills held at Emory University School of Law.
Chesler’s article, “Measuring Student Progress: Assessing and Providing Feedback,” was transcribed from a presentation given by her and three other professors from different law schools.
The presentation highlighted four techniques that can be used to measure progress, including one-minute papers, contract drafting and revising exercises, selective response questions and role-play simulations.
Holst’s article was based on her presentation, “Becoming the Master of the Form.” In the presentation, she explores approaches to drafting in a course titled Writing for Law Practice.
Chesler teaches Legal Method & Writing, Contract Drafting and Negotiating, and other upper-level lawyering skills courses. She is a member of the Legal Writing Institute and other professional organizations focusing on teaching and promoting the use of plain language in the practice of law. She regularly presents at national and regional conferences on different topics, such as using technology in the classroom, teaching drafting and negotiating skills, and other legal writing topics.
Holst teaches legal methods and writing, as well as upper-level writing and skills courses. Her scholarship focuses on using well-established methods of pedagogy from other disciplines and applying them to the teaching and learning of the law. She has presented on these topics at various conferences around the country. Additionally, Holst has written scholarship in the areas of intellectual property law and criminal procedure.