ASU Prep students to portray struggle of undocumented students in musical production

ASU Prep high school students will portray undocumented students in their first drama/musical production, March 7-9, at ASU Preparatory Academy, 735 E. Fillmore Street in Phoenix. Playwright Gary Soto, award-winning author and poet, will attend opening night on Friday, March 7.
“In and Out of Shadows,” written by Soto, is a heartfelt, funny, honest and touching musical, which chronicles the lives of undocumented high school students growing up in California. The play provides insight into the lives of those who live in and out of the “shadows” to purposely keep a low profile.
This will be the first show produced by the ASU Preparatory Academy Drama Club. ASU Prep students have been rehearsing for the performance for several months. ASU Prep students and families, and the public are invited to attend.
“These actors have really embraced direction and script analysis in a way that enables them to tell a story on stage,” said high school drama teacher Andrea Enger. “I am very proud of each student actor, and I can’t wait to see them perform such an important play.”
A parents-only show will be held at 7:30 p.m., March 6. Opening night for the public is 7:30 p.m., March 7. There will also be a 7:30 p.m. show on Saturday, March 8 and a Sunday matinee at 2:30 p.m., March 9.
James Blasingame, an ASU English education professor, made it possible for ASU Prep’s students to option the rights to perform the play.
David Lujan,