ASU partners with international network to improve lives worldwide

VEGA volunteer in Bangladesh

Arizona State University just got one step closer in its efforts to improve the lives of people around the globe.

The Walton Sustainability Solutions Initiatives, a unit of the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability, is the newest of 23 internationally renowned members belonging to Volunteers for Economic Growth Alliance (VEGA) – a nonprofit committed to improving life through the development and implementation of USAID-funded programs focused on energy, water, agriculture and economic development across the globe.

“Joining VEGA assists us in our ongoing effort to expand global partnerships to both international and in-country organizations in more than 140 countries, and will better position the Walton Initiatives to compete for USAID funding,” says Fron Nahzi, global sustainability business development director for the Walton Initiatives. “We look forward to partnering with VEGA’s members on future projects to promote economic growth through local partnerships, innovation and volunteerism.”

VEGA currently has programs located in 28 countries, deploying highly skilled volunteers and consultants to provide technical assistance and training. These expert volunteers are a key component of VEGA’s projects.

To date, VEGA has mobilized more than 65,000 volunteers, including business executives and senior and mid-level professionals, who provide strategic technical assistance, mentoring and support to agribusinesses, producer associations, smallholder farmers, local NGOs, small- and medium-size enterprises and governments to build their capacity for sustainable growth.

As a result of VEGA’s unique structure and network of members and volunteers, members have already successfully implemented international economic development projects with $300 million in support from USAID.