ASU offers condolences

Arizona State University is deeply saddened by the many lives lost and the many wounded at Virginia Tech and our condolences go out to the family and friends of the victims and our wishes for a speedy and complete recovery for those who have been injured.

"Earlier today, Virginia Tech was the site of a tragic crime that resulted in the loss of many innocent lives within its community," said ASU President Michael Crow in a e-mail to ASU community. "In the aftermath, our hearts and minds turn to all those impacted by this awful turn of events, and our extended ASU family conveys its deepest sympathies to everyone affected. We share in the grief of our colleagues, their families and their friends, and offer our thoughts and prayers for their collective healing."

In remembrance of the lives lost, Undergraduate Student Government will host a candlelight vigil at 7 p.m., April 19, on Hayden Lawn at the Tempe campus. The extended ASU community is invited to attend to express its condolences and support. ASU Counseling and Consultation will be present to aid students who need assistance in dealing with this tragedy.

At ASU, the number one priority is the safety of our students. We address safety on our four campuses through a variety of means, including law enforcement, campus safety policies, physical security and safety measures and community interaction and education.

ASU has contingency plans for emergencies, including disease outbreaks, natural disasters and violent crime. Within these plans we outline steps to address medical care, counseling, emergency operations, university operations and communications.

In an effort to constantly improve these plans, university officials conduct reviews on a regular basis and study incidents that have occurred at other schools, and we will certainly study the incident at Virginia Tech at the appropriate time.

The university also has in place a Safety Compliance Hotline, designed to report safety concerns in a non-emergency situation. The hotline can be reached at 877-SUN-DEVL or 877-786-3385. For more information about the hotline, visit

ASU is also offering counseling to those who were affected by this tragedy at 480-965-6146.