ASU Gammage visual art season opens with exhibit from Eye Lounge

An array of work from a prominent local artist collective will open the fall visual art season at ASU Gammage, in Tempe, Aug. 30.
Eye Lounge is an artist-run collective with a contemporary art space in downtown Phoenix, made up of about 25 visual artists committed to fostering emerging and established local talent. Their exhibit at Gammage runs through Oct. 7.
Founded in 1999, Eye Lounge has been listed as part of the “Best Underground Art Scene” by The Arizona Republic and has been featured in local and national press, including Sunset Magazine, Art In America, ArtNews, Phoenix New Times, Shade Magazine, Java and others.
The collective is one of the founding members of Roosevelt Row and a participant in both ArtDetour and First Fridays. New exhibits by leading Arizona artists open every month at its art space in Phoenix.
Eye Lounge also benefits the art community by participating in collaborative projects and fundraisers in the Valley. It has helped establish former members such as Brian Boner, Greg Esser, Angela Cazel Jahn, William LeGoullon, Ryan Peter Miller, Peter Bugg, Monica Martinez, Jen Urso, Benjamin Phillips and many others.
Last year Eye Lounge participated in an exchange of exhibitions with an artist collective in Jerusalem, Agripas 12.
Exhibit hours at ASU Gammage are 1 to 4 p.m., Mondays, or by appointment. Due to rehearsals, event set-up, performances, special events and holidays, it is advisable to call (480) 965-6912 or (480) 965-0458 to ensure viewing hours, since they are subject to cancellation without notice.
The street address is 1200 S. Forest Ave., Tempe. Parking is available at meters around the perimeter of ASU Gammage. Entrance is through the east lobby doors at the box office.