ASU engineering programs continue rise in national grad school rankings

A steady rise in prominence among the nation’s leading engineering graduate education institutions continues for Arizona State University’s Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering, according to the latest U.S. News & World Report Best Graduate Schools rankings.
The rankings released on March 10 continue to place the Fulton Schools of Engineering Schools in the top 20 percent of all engineering graduate programs in the United States.
Among more than 200 engineering schools surveyed by U.S. News & World Report, the Fulton Schools of Engineering are the third largest graduate engineering program and are ranked at 42 overall – up one place from the last year’s rankings and up eight places from only several years ago.
“Our upward trajectory reflects the leadership and impact of our faculty in their fields, the quality of our students and graduates, and the increasing external recognition of the ongoing transformation of the Fulton Schools of Engineering to a world-class engineering school” said Paul Johnson, dean of the Fulton Schools of Engineering. “It is especially exciting to see that the schools’ rankings rose in almost every category in 'specialty rankings' of individual graduate engineering programs.”
The bioengineering program moved up eight places to 41, while the environmental engineering program moved up seven places to number 20, and materials science and engineering jumped six places to 33.
Aerospace engineering leaped five spots to number 23, while civil engineering also went up five places to 31. Mechanical engineering is up four spots to 39, and chemical engineering also went up four places to 45.
Industrial engineering, the highest-ranking engineering graduate education program, moved up to 19 in this year’s rankings.
Electrical engineering remained at 27, and computer engineering – which is not ranked every year – came in at 31.
More than 17,000 students, including more than 3,600 graduate students, are enrolled in in the Fulton Schools of Engineering. Engineering graduate school enrollment has increased at ASU by more then 70 percent in the last five years.
The Fulton Schools of Engineering’s online graduate engineering program is also among the best in the nation, ranking 14th out of more than 75 leading online programs listed in by U.S. News & World Report rankings in January.
The Fulton Schools of Engineering offer 14 online engineering master’s degree programs, two in partnership with ASU’s W. P. Carey School of Business.