ASU astronomer blogs about otherworldly oceans

The Huffington Post Blog recently featured a post by ASU astronomer and planetary scientist Jim Bell on the possibility of oceans on other planets, titled "One Ocean World Among Many."

In the post, Bell mentions two definite non-Earth oceans that scientists know of – one each on two of Jupiter’s moons, Europa and Ganymede – and muses on other possible locations of oceans in the universe.

Bell writes, “…while I'm astonished by the diversity of Earth's oceans, I'm absolutely floored when I stop to think that our beautiful blue ocean is only one of perhaps a half dozen or more oceans on other worlds in our solar system, and only one of probably millions (or more) oceans on other Earth-like planets in our galaxy. Oceans abound!”

Bell is also president of The Planetary Society and is the author of the books, “Postcards from Mars,” “Moon 3-D,” “Mars 3-D” and “The Space Book.” 

Article source: The Huffington Post Blog

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