Astronomy Open House focuses on black holes

What is a black hole? Learn about them, and see the night skies, during the free Astronomy Open House Friday, Dec. 2, at Arizona State University.
The event will take place from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m., on the roof of the Bateman Physical Sciences Center H-Wing, Tempe campus.
At 8:30 p.m. and 9:15 p.m., astrophysics graduate student Matt Mechtley will give a talk on “Quasars and Their Supermassive Black Hole Engines.”
Visitors are invited to go to the ASU Planetarium for shows about the night sky. (limited seating)
To get to the open house, go to the main entrance to the Bateman H-wing. Free parking is available after 7 p.m., in the Tyler Street Parking Garage. From the parking garage go west along the University Drive sidewalk (toward campus) until you see signs leading you to the entrance.
For a campus map and parking information, visit