Arizona’s 10 ballot propositions examined and explained

<p>As a service to voters, <a href="; target="_blank">ASU's Morrison Institute for Public Policy</a> explains all 10 of Arizona’s ballot propositions without all the confusing legalese and partisanship.</p><separator></separator><p>The briefings, called Understanding Arizona’s Propositions, look at the origin, history, intention and possible consequences of each proposition included on the Nov. 2 ballot. The complete roster of propositions is assembled on the <a href="; target="_blank">website</a> in anticipation of early voting, which begins Oct. 7. The goal is to inform voters about each measure’s pros and cons, as well as present the chief arguments for and against a particular proposition.</p><separator></separator><p>“In Arizona, when voters pass propositions, the impacts are almost always long term so it’s important to fully understand the implications of the choices they make,” said Kristin Borns, senior policy analyst and chief author of the reports.</p><separator></separator><p>Examined are: Prop 106, Health Care Choice; Prop 107, Preferential Treatment or Discrimination Prohibition; Prop 109, Right to Hunt and Fish; Prop 110, State Trust Lands; Prop 111, Lieutenant Governor; Prop 112, Initiative Filing Deadline; Prop 113, Secret Ballot for Union Elections; Prop 203, Medical Marijuana; Prop 301, Growing Smarter Fund Sweep; and&nbsp; Prop 302, First Things First Fund Sweep.</p><separator></separator><p>All but one proposition – Prop 203, the citizens’ initiative on Medical Marijuana – was placed on the ballot by the Arizona Legislature. <br /><br />Prop 301 (Growing Smarter Fund Sweep) and Prop 302 (First Things First Fund Sweep) by law require a ballot decision because their voter-approved funding would be diverted to help reduce the state deficit and balance the budget.<br /><br />“Never before has it been so important for voters to be active and knowledgeable,” said Borns, whose expertise includes government affairs.<br /><br /><br /><strong>Joseph Garcia</strong><br /><a href="; target="_blank">Morrison Institute for Public Policy</a><br />602-496-0205</p>