Apply to become a CGI U volunteer

ASU students can now apply to volunteer for the Clinton Global Initiative University (CGI U), which will be held at Arizona State University in Tempe, March 21-23, 2014. 

Each year, CGI U brings together nearly 1,200 attendees from around the world to make a difference in five focus areas: education, environment and climate change, peace and human rights, poverty alleviation and public health. 

The success of this national event will depend on the help of  more than 150 ASU undergraduate and graduate student volunteers. Volunteers should be willing to work from Friday afternoon through Saturday and will also be required to attend two evening training sessions the week prior to the event.

Volunteer roles include: serving as on-campus hosts and ushers; assisting with the production and logistics of the event; helping CGI staff with press and media; and supporting CGI’s program staff. Students with skills in photography, video and social media are encouraged to apply. Volunteers should not anticipate having insider access to CGI U sessions.

The online volunteer application is now available through Friday, Feb. 14 at the CGI U at Arizona State University website: Students who are accepted to volunteer will be notified by CGI U in mid-March.

For more information about CGI U, visit or contact Changemaker Central, at