Annual geology-oriented raft trip set for May

If you’ve always wanted to raft the Grand Canyon, and learn a lot about what you’re seeing, then the annual School of Earth and Space Exploration-sponsored raft trip is for you.
The date is May 9-16, from Lee’s Ferry to Whitmore Wash. The trip is limited to 28 passengers on two boats, and the cost is $2,660. Travelers must be 18 or older.
“We will examine and discuss side canyons, geologic features, and fossils not normally viewed by commercial River trips,” said Paul Knauth, ASU professor of geology. “The trip includes an extra day on the River relative to normal trips, a pre-trip orientation, the National Park entrance fee, a waterproof guide book, geologic handouts, $170 minimum tip for the boatmen, a post-trip party/slide show, and bag return from the rafts to Phoenix.
“This last feature means you can bring amounts of gear not normally allowed, and you do not have to lug it out on the helicopter at the end.”
Hatch River Expeditions provides the large, motorized inflatable rafts. Participants will rendezvous at the Hatch facility at the Vermillion Cliffs no later than the evening prior to departure and will return there via aircraft on the 8th day.
The trip price includes lodging at Cliff Dwellers Lodge the night of May 8 (double occupancy, single $90 extra), all meals while on the River, helicopter exit to Diamond Bar Ranch, and plane flight back to the Vermillion Cliffs or to Las Vegas.
To make reservations, call Hatch River Expeditions at 1-800-856-8966. Specify that you want “Knauth’s geology trip putting in on May 9, 2011.”
Cancellation policies, insurance options, and other questions regarding payment are available at: Please note that the ASU-sponsored trip is a charter geology-oriented trip and has somewhat different logistics than the normal commercial trips described on the Hatch website.
For more information about the trip, call Knauth at (480) 965-2867 or send an email to