Allen J. Morrison, biography

portrait of Allen J. Morrison

Arizona State University President Michael M. Crow has named Allen J. Morrison to become chief executive officer and director general of the Thunderbird School of Global Management. 

Morrison previously served as a senior advisor for global management education and executive education initiatives at ASU. Before joining ASU in 2014, Morrison was professor of global management and the holder of the Kristian Gerhard Jebsen Chair for Responsible Leadership in the Maritime Industry at the International Institute for Management Development (IMD). Morrison is also director of the IMD Global CEO Center, which focuses on the challenges CEOs face while leading their companies in the global economy.

Professor Morrison has authored or co-authored over 60 articles and case studies, and eight books including "Sunset in the Land of the Rising Sun," "Global Explorers: The Next Generation of Leaders, Competition in Global Industries," and "International Management," currently in its 5th edition (Irwin McGraw-Hill). His research has been published in a range of journals including Harvard Business Review, Strategic Management Journal, Sloan Management Review, Journal of Management, and the Journal of International Business Studies. Morrison has also served as editor of the Journal of International Management and on the Editorial Review Board of the Journal of International Business Studies. His research has won awards from the Academy of Management, the Academy of International Business, the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada and the Strategic Management Society.

Morrison conducts executive seminars and consults with a wide range of companies around the world, including Shell, Toshiba, The World Bank/IFC, NYSE Euronext, IBM, E&Y, Rio Tinto, Skanska, Takeda Pharmaceuticals, Novartis, HSBC, Accenture Consulting, ExxonMobil, KPMG, The Limited Brands, ING Bank, Nissan, IFF, Hutchison Port Holdings, Dow Chemical, General Motors, DSM, Mubadala, Brunswick, Manulife, AT&T, TRW, Maple Leaf Foods, Mattel, ARCO/BP, Bata Shoe, Amcor, Dofasco, the Kellogg Company and PCCW.

Prior to joining IMD, Morrison taught on the faculty at INSEAD where he directed numerous custom and public executive programs. He was also J. Armand Bombardier Chair of Global Management and associate dean-executive development at the Ivey School of Business in Canada. Morrison has been a visiting professor at the Anderson School at UCLA and a professor at The American Graduate School of International Management-Thunderbird. He has taught on executive programs at Harvard Business School, the University of Michigan and at leading business schools in Australia and China.