Thunderbird professor receives prestigious teaching award

People standing at a digital table looking at notes.

Euvin Naidoo (second from right), distinguished professor of practice for global accounting, risk and agility at the Thunderbird School of Global Management at ASU, brings his award-winning teaching to life with Thunderbird's digital touch tables, providing a collaborative classroom environment with the cutting-edge technology of Thunderbird Global Headquarters. Photo courtesy of Thunderbird School of Global Management


Euvin Naidoo, distinguished professor of practice for global accounting, risk and agility at the Thunderbird School of Global Management at Arizona State University, has been recognized for his commitment to innovation and excellence in case teaching as The Case Centre’s 2024 Outstanding Case Teacher.

Awarded since 2013, the international Outstanding Case Teacher competition recognizes exceptional faculty who achieve excellence through globally innovative and creative approaches to case teaching. As the world’s No. 1 independent hub and leader of all management schools for cases, The Case Centre is dedicated to advancing the case method worldwide, sharing knowledge, wisdom and experience to inspire and transform business education across the globe.

Portrait of Euvin Naidoo.
Euvin Naidoo

"Professor Naidoo is a world-class innovator in global and digital teaching, and this shines brightly with this well-deserved recognition. His dedication to fostering a collaborative classroom utilizing Thunderbird Global Headquarters’ advanced technology is exactly what we envisioned for our faculty and students,” said Sanjeev Khagram, director general and dean of Thunderbird.

“Congratulations, Euvin, on this well-deserved recognition, and thank you for your invaluable contributions to Thunderbird’s student experience, your thought and practice leadership, and our greater educational community."

With global accounting at the core of Naidoo’s teaching, he has used the case method to transform a lecture-based subject that initially elicited apprehension among students into one that is now consistently rated as a favorite.

A firm believer in learning by doing, Naidoo was a first adopter in utilizing cutting-edge digital tables — throughout Thunderbird Global Headquarters — to deliver a high-impact, digitally interactive case experience. Students work to engage in a case and synthesize information in real time and deliver insights as part of a collaborative learning and innovation methodology.

“Winning this award is a reflection of the entrepreneurial spirit of the wonderful leadership, professors, staff, alumni and students I work alongside at Thunderbird, and a testament to Dean Khagram's vision of Thunderbird becoming the vanguard of global leadership and management education in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. We have made the case method more globally and digitally experiential than ever before,” Naidoo said.

As stated by The Case Centre, Naidoo “crafts dynamic and engaging environments that captivate students and foster a passion for learning through his application of the case method. This accolade recognizes Naidoo’s exceptional teaching skills and his commitment to push the boundaries of traditional education.”

“Among the competition entrants, Naidoo distinguished himself through his innovative teaching approach using the case method — a challenging feat, especially in the accounting field,” said Vicky Lester, chief executive officer of The Case Centre and chair of the judging panel.

Serving also as the director of the Thunderbird Case Series, Naidoo fosters a global and digital culture of curiosity and learning through cases. In this capacity, Naidoo guides students and professors alike in crafting their first case studies and facilitating masterclass workshops on best practices in case writing.

“(This recognition) reaffirms my commitment to creating an engaging and impactful learning environment that empowers students and executives alike,” Naidoo said. “I am humbled by this recognition, seeing it not only as a celebration of myself but Thunderbird 4.0 more broadly. It motivates me to continue evolving as a teacher, collaborator and lifelong learner — the future is bright for the case method and innovative teaching at Thunderbird.”

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