Sun Devil 100 Class of 2022 honors 136 alumni business leaders

ASU Alumni Sun Devil 100 Awards laid out on a table.

The ASU Alumni Association is delighted to announce this year’s Sun Devil 100 Class of 2022. The Sun Devil 100 is an annual awards program that recognizes the fastest-growing alumni-owned or -led organizations.

The Class of 2022 features 136 outstanding Arizona State University alumni representing 107 organizations. They range from individual business owners to leaders of large corporations from dozens of industries, including architecture, construction, information technology, legal, marketing and public relations, nonprofit and real estate. The diverse mix of organizations that make up this year’s class has combined total revenues of $15 billion for the last year, employs more than 130,000 people and has locations in 13 states.  

“This is the eighth year Sun Devil 100 has celebrated entrepreneurs, changemakers and leaders who have graduated from ASU,” said Christine Wilkinson, president and CEO of the ASU Alumni Association. “In alignment with ASU’s charter, we are expanding the awards program to include revenue tiers and showcase more ASU alumni-owned and -led organizations. We are proud of each alum and the impact they’ve made in their fields.”

The fastest-growing organizations will be unveiled at the awards reception on Thursday, April 28, at Sun Devil Stadium. With the program evolving to include financial tiers, this year the top 10 fastest-growing organizations in each of the three tiers based on the company’s revenues from 2020 will be highlighted. The tiers are broken down by revenues of $250,000–$1.999 million, $2 million–$9.999 million and $10 million-plus.

To be considered for the Sun Devil 100, companies must be ASU alumni-owned or -led; have been in business for at least three years; have revenues of $250,000-plus for the past three years; and operate in a manner consistent with the ASU Charter.

For the fourth consecutive year, ProVision, the Tempe-based CPA firm, is the presenting sponsor of the Sun Devil 100. ProVision’s leadership team includes four ASU alumni, and the company believes in hiring Sun Devil graduates.

Meet the Sun Devil 100 Class of 2022.

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