ASU Enterprise Partners named top employer for 8th year in row

ASU Enterprise Partners CEO Dan Dillon wears shorts, a black t-shirt and black mask and passes out a black t-shirt to employee Peter Means through the passenger window of his blue vehicle. The employee wears a white face mask.

ASU Enterprise Partners CEO Dan Dillon passes out a black "HOPE/fear" T-shirt to employee Peter Means during a drive-thru employee engagement event May 26, 2020. The shirt was inspired by the statement "hope over fear" that ASU football Coach Herm Edwards said during a Zoom-based motivational talk with ASU Enterprise Partners employees in May.


ASU Enterprise Partners was named a Top Company to Work for in Arizona for 2020, marking the eighth consecutive year for this honor.

The nonprofit organization raises resources for Arizona State University through philanthropy, real estate development, technology transfer, venture capital, aerospace and defense research. The award was presented by Arizona Capitol Times and Best Companies Group to 100 companies in Arizona.

Companies with at least 15 employees were evaluated through surveys to employers and employees in March 2021 about the organizations' leadership, culture, communication, job satisfaction, work environment, training and development, pay and benefits, and engagement. The most recent survey also addressed how employers handled the COVID-19 pandemic when many employees worked from home for much of 2020 and into 2021.

"We are excited to be recognized as a Top Company to Work for in Arizona for the eighth consecutive year,” ASU Enterprise Partners CEO Dan Dillon said. "We acknowledge that our success comes from ensuring employees are happy, healthy and successful in all aspects of life, which proved essential during the pandemic when all employees moved to remote work. We made sure everyone had the tools they needed to work from home and held virtual town halls, drop-in chats with leadership and celebratory events to ensure communication continued."

ASU Enterprise Partners usually holds numerous in-person employee events annually that are focused on appreciation, wellness and engagement. When the pandemic hit, it held drive-thru gift pickups and sent digital gift cards for coffee and lunch to recognize employees' resilience and hard work. It moved its weekly yoga sessions, periodic motivational speakers and annual bring-your-kids-to-work activities to Zoom. The organization also launched a personal finance tool in 2020 for employees, 41% of which are using it, eliminating $150,639 in debt and adding $69,350 in savings the first year.

"We want employees to be the best version of themselves personally and professionally, so we offer family-friendly benefits, mentoring and development opportunities, and health and wellness events," said Chief People Officer Gina Miller, who joined the organization in 2021. "Part of what attracted me to ASU Enterprise Partners was its culture and core values."

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