ASU student's transfer journey from community college to ASU

MAPP MyPath2ASU™ student stories

Upon graduating high school, Shanae Germick thought it most beneficial to begin her studies at a community college to further explore her interests and career goals. Participating in extracurricular activities while at Paradise Valley Community College further helped her gain hands-on learning experiences in the political arena — and a clearer picture of her future.

Germick successfully completed her associate degree prior to transferring to Arizona State University, where she is now studying political science in the New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences. She is also working for Academic Alliances as a transfer student ambassador, educating prospective transfer students all about the benefits of ASU’s pathway program, MyPath2ASU

Here we talk to Germick about her journey from community college to ASU, and the advice she shares with other students who are interested in transferring as well.

Question: Why and when did you choose your major?

Answer: While I was attending community college I was involved with student government and took a class that gave me the opportunity to go to Washington, D.C., and talk to legislators about specific issues going on in my community. I realized through my involvement at Paradise Valley Community College that I liked working with people, and politics has been an interest of mine for a long time. Halfway through my second semester at ASU I decided to major in political science. I chose political science because of the social science aspect to it, and because after getting the opportunity to work and volunteer for political campaigns, I realized this is what I wanted to do.

Q: Why did you decide to attend Paradise Valley Community College?

A: After I graduated from high school I didn’t know what I wanted to study or have any well-defined career goals. I knew that I eventually wanted to attend a four-year university, but since I didn’t know what I wanted to major in I decided to start my higher education journey at a community college.  

Q: Were you involved in any clubs or organizations at your community college? How did your participation impact your community college experience?

A: I was involved in student government, Phi Theta Kappa, and I helped out in the Office of Student Life and Leadership regularly. I was most involved with student government where I got to work with a lot of people, address problems on campus, increase engagement at school and plan events for students. My involvement with student government helped me figure out my interests and ultimately it contributed to me figuring out what I wanted to study. 

Q: Why did you choose to attend ASU?

A: I chose to attend ASU because I knew that I wanted to be in a place that provided me with a lot of options when it came to programs of study, and I wanted to be surrounded by people of diverse backgrounds. I also knew ASU would provide me with a lot of opportunities during my undergraduate journey, such as internships, research and study abroad, while also providing job opportunities after graduation. Having a variety of options and opportunities was very important to me, and ASU offered that and more.

Q: What is one piece of advice you would give to a new transfer student?

A: My biggest piece of advice for new transfer students would be to do things early. Look into getting involved in clubs before classes start, and if you want to live on campus, make sure you look into that well in advance. The same goes for classes, the earlier you make an appointment with your adviser the better, that way you can register early for classes before they fill up. Plan in advance, think ahead and think about what kind of semester you want to have, and do the things that will make that semester you want happen.

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