Rev. William J. Barber II featured at Delivering Democracy 2021


Arizona State University's Center for the Study of Race and Democracy will feature influential civil rights and social justice leader Rev. William J. Barber II at its annual Delivering Democracy program on Saturday, April 17.

Barber, a courageous champion of social justice and human rights, is known and deeply respected for his unwavering intentional and deeply collaborative advocacy for underserved and marginalized populations across the nation. His work and example have done much to model purposeful engagement and to demonstrate the deep power of purposeful collaboration and partnerships. His calls for a moral democracy underscore the attention to humanity that should transcend partisanship and that can lead to justice for all.

The center's annual Delivering Democracy program creates a powerful forum for visionary speakers to discuss critical issues of race and democracy with the local community as well as with a national and global audience. The program will feature a dialogue with  Barber facilitated by Lois Brown, director of the center.

In advance of the program with Barber, the center will host a weeklong virtual community resource fair, which will enable direct engagement with community organizations in and beyond Arizona.  

Visit to learn more and to register for the Delivering Democracy program and for the virtual community resource fair sessions.  

Delivering Democracy 2021 with Rev. William J. Barber II

Saturday, April 17

• 1:15 p.m. Online check-in begins.

• 1:45 p.m. Mini concert, Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church Choir.

• 2–3:15 p.m. Dialogue with Rev. Barber and Lois Brown.

Livestream and interactive Zoom broadcast. Register.

Delivering Democracy virtual community resource fair 

Monday, April 12–Friday, April 16

Livestream and interactive Zoom sessions with community organizations. Register.

Media is invited to attend. Brown will be available for interviews in the days prior to the event. Based on availability and space is limited. To request full event access and/or an interview, RSVP with Suzanne Wilson at

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