U Devils host “Escape the Madness” picnic
Got a case of spring fever? Ready to bolt from your office, lab or classroom during the lunch hour, but dreading the crowds at campus eateries? U Devils, the Alumni Association group for faculty and staff members, is playing host to an “Escape the Madness” lunch time picnic from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., April 18, on the Old Main lawn.
Members and their friends are invited to bring their own brown bag lunch and enjoy a pleasant al fresco experience while enjoying live music from the Jeff Gutierrez Jazz Trio.
Members at the event will be treated to complimentary beverages, bags of chips and a cool U Devils beach towel. Quantities are limited, so please arrive promptly!
Additionally, one member will win a custom ASU class ring from Jostens valued at $239.
To join the Alumni Association at the special employee rate ($25 annual/$300 life) before the event, visit the Web site www.asu.edu/alumni/udevils .
Members at the Downtown Phoenix campus, West campus and Polytechnic campus should expect to see a U Devils event at their respective locations soon.