Two attempted robbery incidents on First Street

<p>The following two incidents took place on Aug. 30, 2007, and were reported to the Phoenix Police Department:</p><separator></separator><p><br />At approximately noon on Aug. 30, a female student reported that she was assaulted while at a parking meter at First Street north of Fillmore Street. The assailant tried to take her purse but was unsuccessful and fled the scene.</p><separator></separator><p><br />At approximately 8:30 p.m. on the same day, a male student who was with two other ASU affiliates fought off three suspects who had demanded his valuables. The accosting group was unsuccessful and fled the scene.</p><separator></separator><p>To help prevent these situations from happening to you, remember to utilize these safety tips:</p><separator></separator><p><br />* Walk with confidence and alertness. Remain aware of your surroundings at all times.<br />* Keep your head up and your posture erect. Maintain a brisk, confident pace.<br />* Park in well-lighted areas.<br />* Avoid parking beside high-profile vehicles such as trucks, trucks with campers and vans.<br />* Do not flaunt expensive items as you walk around.</p><separator></separator><p><br />The ASU Police Department also encourages the usage the Safety Escort program:</p><separator></separator><ul><li>ASU Police Aides provide escorts 24/7. Call (602) 496-3456<br /></li><li>Copper Square Ambassadors provide &quot;pal-alongs&quot; throughout Copper Square until 11 p.m. Call (602) 495-1500.</li></ul><p>If you witness a crime, call 911. Report suspicious activity to Phoenix Police by calling (602) 262-6151. The ASU Crime Prevention Unit is available to consult with individuals, colleges or departments in developing strategies for personal safety and workplace safety. They can be contacted at (480) 965-3456.</p>