Tracy Grunig passes Certified Information Systems Auditor exam

Tracy Grunig, who is the director of University Audit and Advisory Services at Arizona State University, received notice in July 2013 that she passed the Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) exam.
The four-hour, CISA exam must be completed in one sitting and is only available to take three times per year, in June, September and December.
The nonprofit Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) administers the CISA exam. According to Grunig, the ISACA’s constituency is more than 110,000 strong, with representatives who live and work in more than 180 countries and cover a variety of professional IT-related positions.
“Earning the CISA certification augments my professional credibility, showcases my technical skills and knowledge in the area of information systems auditing, and enhances the value I bring to the university in my role as chief audit executive,” Grunig said.
To maintain her CISA status, each year, Grunig is responsible to cover maintenance fees and a minimum of 20 continuing personal education hours. During a fixed, three-year period, she is required to fulfill a minimum of 120 hours.
To be eligible to take the exam, Grunig had to possess a minimum of five years’ experience in information systems auditing, control or security work experience.
Grunig stated her ASU career in May 2008 as the chief audit executive with more than 20 years of management experience spanning a diverse group of industries.