Thinking ahead to next semester

Throughout the semester, a select group of ASU freshmen will be blogging about their first year as Sun Devils. In the same way that graduation serves as a milestone marker for both students and the university, the freshman year experience is one of significant formation as it sets the foundation for academic excellence.

Priya's blog:

It's hard to believe that I'm more than halfway through my first semester of college already! I survived midterms and the end of the semester is now in sight. This past week was homecoming and there was so much stuff happening on campus. Unfortunately, I didn't get the chance to do everything but I did participate in some of the events. I went to the homecoming game against Washington State and I had a blast. It was my first football game here at ASU. I'm for sure going to get season passes next year so I can go to all the home games.

I've also been playing a lot of Frisbee lately. I play on the women's Ultimate Frisbee team and it's so much fun. We have our first tournament this weekend in Albuquerque and I can't wait to get out and play. In a couple weeks we get to play in San Diego. Playing a sport is a great way to take a break from academic life and have a good time working out and hanging out with friends.

Another exciting thing I did recently was register for my classes next semester. Choosing which classes I want to take was pretty difficult since I had to lay out my entire time schedule myself. It takes a while to make a schedule since I had to not only find the classes I need to take, but then narrow it down by which professor I want as well as plan out the timing so that nothing overlaps. I'm planning on double majoring as well so I had to make sure I was getting into my schedule the required classes for both of my majors.

It was a great feeling to finalize my course load for next semester. Now that I know what I'm going to be taking, I can't wait to start!

Priya Challa is an incoming freshman who is majoring in aerospace engineering. She is originally from Sandy, Utah.