Homecoming Awards to celebrate school spirit
The ASU Alumni Association is seeking nominations for its Homecoming Awards, to be presented during halftime at the Homecoming game against the University of California, Berkeley, on Oct. 27.
Nominations are sought for the Alumni Service Award and the Alumni Appreciation Award.
The Alumni Service Award is given to a graduate of ASU, and recognizes exemplary service to ASU, to the Alumni Association and/or to the community. Awardees in the past have included Terry Goddard and Rusty and Rosie Lyon.
The Alumni Appreciation Award is presented to a non-alumnus/non-alumna of ASU, and rewards extraordinary contributions to the university, to the Alumni Association and/or to the community. Past recipients of this award include Eddie Basha and Rudy Campbell.
Nominations are due by 5 p.m., Friday, Aug. 17. For nomination forms, please visit the ASU Alumni Association web site at www.asu.edu/alumni/forms/07alumniserviceaward.shtml and www.asu.edu/alumni/forms/07alumniappreciationaward.shtml.
For information, please call Nancy Southern at (480) 965-5041.