Homecoming Awards to celebrate school spirit

<p>The ASU Alumni Association is seeking nominations for its Homecoming Awards, to be presented during halftime at the Homecoming game against the University of California, Berkeley, on Oct. 27. <br /><br />Nominations are sought for the Alumni Service Award and the Alumni Appreciation Award.</p><separator></separator><p>The Alumni Service Award is given to a graduate of ASU, and recognizes exemplary service to ASU, to the Alumni Association and/or to the community. Awardees in the past have included Terry Goddard and Rusty and Rosie Lyon.</p><separator></separator><p>The Alumni Appreciation Award is presented to a non-alumnus/non-alumna of ASU, and rewards extraordinary contributions to the university, to the Alumni Association and/or to the community. Past recipients of this award include Eddie Basha and Rudy Campbell.</p><separator></separator><p>Nominations are due by 5 p.m., Friday, Aug. 17. For nomination forms, please visit the ASU Alumni Association web site at www.asu.edu/alumni/forms/07alumniserviceaward.shtml and www.asu.edu/alumni/forms/07alumniappreciationaward.shtml.</p><separator… information, please call Nancy Southern at (480) 965-5041.</p>