ASU Parents website connects Sun Devil families

Arizona State University recently launched an expanded website designed to provide families university news and an opportunity to connect with fellow Sun Devil parents.
ASU Parents, as the site is titled, offers the most commonly searched for information and provides families a way to interact with the ASU community. It also allows parents to engage in discussion groups based on their interests and their student’s affiliations.
ASU has increased its focus on parent communications and is building on the work of the Parents Association.
"Our faculty and staff are committed to student success, and we have created this web page to keep parents informed and involve them in assuring our students reach their potential," said Elizabeth D. Capaldi, executive vice president and provost of the university.
The site is a collaboration of the Provost Office, Educational Outreach and Student Services, and the Parents Association – and will be managed by the Office of Parent and Transition Programs
“The goals of the network are to keep parents informed throughout their students’ academic career and engage the parents in various university activities during the year,” said Regina Matos, Assistant Dean, Parent and Transition Programs. “We realize that parents are vital partners in the success of their students and we are making the information available to our families. The site is very easy to navigate and allows for parent-to-parent interaction.”
To get started, simply visit and create a free personal profile. Once a profile is created, it is easy to join or create groups based on interests, make connections and sign-up to receive pertinent information.
ASU Parents joins the university’s already bolstering list of social networks. Families and students may learn more about ASU by following the official ASU Facebook and Twitter pages. Or, view the complete list of social media accounts now.