ASU offers cool college classes this summer
Students looking to get a head start on their college degree, or just get ahead, can choose from more than 400 summer classes – online and on campus – offered by ASU's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
More than 120 summer classes are offered online.
“For ASU students traveling this summer, whether for study abroad or internships, all they’ll need is an Internet connection,” says Jill Schiefelbein, the college’s director of online programs.
Classes are open to current ASU students and incoming freshmen, as well as transfer students, community college students, eligible high school students and others seeking to earn college credit, including students who attend the University of Arizona and Northern Arizona University.
“We also welcome students who are returning to Arizona for the summer who attend an out-of-state university during the school year,” says Gerry Corey, senior assistant dean for student and academic programs in the college. These students should first check with advisors at their university to determine whether the ASU class they are interested in will count for credit, she says.
Regardless of a student’s major, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences offers a variety of classes, many of which fulfill university requirements for graduation. Introductory-level and upper-division classes in psychology, biology, English, political science, human communication, religious studies, American Indian studies, geography, and film and media are among those available.
Two popular lab sciences will also be available in the summer: solar systems astronomy and geology.
“Summer is an ideal time to fit these popular classes into otherwise busy schedules,” says Corey.
“Summer is also a great time to take interesting elective classes,” she says.
History of anime, video games and justice, campaigns and elections, buried cities and lost tribes, communication in the electronic age, and politics and film, are on the summer list.
Current ASU students looking for a class will not need to pay additional fees to sign up for summer session. Others who are not current ASU students and wish to sign up for classes will need to apply to the university. When applying, they can choose to follow a degree or non-degree seeking path.
Financial aid also is available for eligible students interested in summer session.
More information, including how to register for summer classes, at or 480-965-6506.
Ashley Lange,
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences