Assistant police chief earns prestigious certification

Arizona State University students, faculty and staff across all campuses are in good hands when it comes to dangerous situations.

Allen Clark, assistant chief of police at ASU, is a part of the fourth class of only 60 individuals in the nation to become certified instructors for the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators’ (IACLEA) Critical Incident Management Training Course.

Clark, who has been with the ASU Police Department since 1989, endured the intense two week train-the-trainer program and was certified on Dec. 14.

In order to become an instructor, there is a selective process in which individuals must be invited by master instructors to be able to participate. For Clark, the selective process started back in October when he attended the three-day Critical Incident Management Course.

IACLEA and BowMac Educational Services are partners in the curriculum development and training for both courses. According to BowMac’s Web site, the company is dedicated to delivering high-quality training in three key areas: critical incident management, community policing and interviewing and investigative strategies.

The course is set up to train in the area of prevention, preparedness and response.
Throughout the course all of the participants are graded and observed on their resume, their grasp of the program and their ability to effectively teach back the information to their instructors.

From Clark’s class 15 were invited to return in December to take the two-week course and possibly become Critical Incident Management Instructors.

“When I took the course it was probably one of the most meaningful courses I’ve ever taken,” Clark said. “I saw true worth in the program.”

Without hesitation Clark accepted the invitation to become a part of IACLEA’s instructor core to teach the course. He has since already taught his first class a part of a four-person team at the University of Massachusetts in Boston.

“Allen’s certification as an Incident Command Instructor benefits ASU because we are able to unify our response with other law enforcement agencies in the Valley for all types of serious incidents on or off campus,” said ASU Police Chief John Pickens.”

As a certified instructor for IACLEA’s course Clark can request to bring the training program to any university. He has already submitted to have the course brought to ASU in December 2008.