Anonymous campus safety hot line launches

With a 61,000-plus student body across four campuses, safety is a high priority. That's why ASU launched (877) SUN-DEVL, the university's first campus safety and compliance hot line, on Aug. 14.

While hot line users can identify themselves upon placing a call, the hot line – which translates to the digits (877) 786-3385 – affords ASU students, staff and faculty the ability to report safety or compliance issues anonymously.

“The hot line will not replace any existing reporting mechanism for the university, but rather allow anonymous reporting,” says Paul Ward, vice president for university administration and general counsel.

After ASU professor Myles Lynk and his committee released a report addressing safety issues on the university's campuses, officials took steps to address the report's recommendations, including establishment of a hot line. ASU secured a hot line vendor and established a committee of nearly 30 different ASU departments to implement hot line, including the Internal Audit department, which administers the hot line.

“The hot line provides a framework to maintain campus safety, and to promote ethics and integrity in the daily business of ASU,” Ward says. “The need for – and value of – compliance cannot be overstated.”

Ward cautions that the hot line is not intended to be used in emergencies, nor in situations involving imminent danger. In those cases, individuals should call 911 or contact ASU Police at (480) 965-3456.

The hot line may be used to report a variety of university concerns on- and off-campus, including:

• Weapons possession.

• Threatening behavior.

• Hazing.

• Fraud.

• Substance abuse.

• Research misconduct.

• Conflicts of interest or workplace issues.

• Misuse or destruction of ASU property.

• Violations of applicable laws, regulations or policies.

When calling the hot line to report a safety or compliance concern, a person will ask the caller a series of questions, which usually takes about 15-20 minutes, and will file a report with Internal Audit. The department reviews the report and forwards it to the ASU department that can address the concern or resolve the situation.

“It is important to keep students safe, but we need their helping in doing so,” says Deborah Sullivan, director of student life. “The hot line will provide another mechanism for students to report issues that affect the campus community.”

To accommodate international students, the hot line can be translated into various languages other than English, including Spanish.

Ward encourages students, faculty and staff who are uncomfortable using the university's existing reporting channels to consider using the hot line to communicate a safety or compliance concern.