ASU Leadership Institute accepting applications through June 30

ASU Leadership Institute - Class 1

ASU Leadership Institute - Class 1


The Alumni Association is seeking nominations for the third cohort of ASU Leadership Institute. Applications are being accepted now through June 30 for this professional and personal leadership development program. 

“ASU has experts in a variety of fields who are educating the next generation of leaders,” said Christine K. Wilkinson, ASU Alumni Association president and CEO. “The Leadership Institute provides up and coming leaders the ability to learn critical leadership skills from ASU executives while also gaining an in-depth look of ASU as the New American University.” 

ASU Leadership Institute Class 1 member Andrew Vandertoorn, evaluator pilot for the U.S. Air Force Reserve and first officer for Delta Air Lines, talks about how the program gives you a top down look at how the university works and how it impacts students, alumni and communities.

“The Leadership Institute was a pivotal turning point in my career offering me an amazing support network, lifelong friends and an opportunity to inspire ASU students and alumni around the globe,” he said. “Truly remarkable experience!”

The program will help participants understand and develop critical leadership skills. The cohort of Class 3 will participate in a leadership assessment tool that provides in-depth analysis and insights identifying key strengths to develop and enhance their professional skills further.

“ASU is filled with innovating students, staff and alumni,” said Class 2 member Bianca Vargas, accountant at Girls Scouts Arizona Cactus Pine Council. “It is an amazing opportunity to personally meet these individuals through networking, lectures and guided conversations.”

ASU Leadership Institute features nine ASU Innovation Days throughout the course of the program led by experts from fields including business, military, nonprofit management, media, health and science, technology, design and the arts, and applied-use research. The programs work to enlighten, inspire and transform leaders from a variety of professions and communities.

Applications for Class 3 of ASU Leadership Institute must be received by June 30. Successful candidates from the private, public and nonprofit sectors are chosen through a competitive selection process. For more information about ASU Leadership Institute, visit

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