Science fun bubbles up at Polytechnic

kids blow bubbles at a van de graff generator

Families in the East Valley were treated to a buffet of scientific diversions on Saturday at the final ASU Open Door event of 2020 at the Polytechnic campus.

The schools and centers of the campus in Mesa showed off robots, experiments, wind tunnels and even homemade lava lamps to delight and intrigue young people and spark their interest in STEM pursuits.

While this was final Open Door event of the year, you can look forward to Homecoming during the fall semester, where you'll get another chance to check out ASU's work across disciplines and campuses. 

More: See photos from the Downtown Phoenix campusWest campus and Tempe campus 2020 Open Door

Top photo: Open Door attendees blow bubbles at a Van de Graaff generator at the Polytechnic campus on Saturday, Feb. 29. Photo by Meg Potter/ASU Now

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