Seeking nominations for the 2020 ASU MLK Jr. Student Servant-Leadership Award


Colleen Jennings-Roggensack, Arizona State University vice president for cultural affairs and ASU Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. committee chair, is soliciting nominations for the 2020 ASU Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Student Servant-Leadership Award. This year’s theme is “We are all connected.”

The ASU MLK Jr. Committee will present a Servant-Leadership Award to an ASU student at the MLK Breakfast on Jan. 23, 2020 at the Polytechnic campus. 

Servant-leadership is a practical philosophy that supports people who choose to serve first and then lead as a way of expanding service to individuals and institutions. Servant leaders may or may not hold formal leadership positions. Servant-leadership encourages collaboration, trust, foresight, listening and the ethical use of power and empowerment.

The committee requests the help of the ASU community in identifying a student servant-leadership awardee. The student must be currently enrolled full time, exemplify the ideals of servant-leadership and have a track record of commitment through volunteer service. A candidate may submit his or her resume with this form. Letters of recommendation are acceptable, but no more than two. Self-nominations are encouraged.

The ASU MLK Jr. Committee will provide a $1,500 scholarship to the awardee to be used toward his or her educational costs. This scholarship is available to ASU full-time undergraduate or graduate students. The winner must be a full-time student during the spring 2020 semester.

All applications will be reviewed and three finalists will be selected. Finalists will have 30-minute interviews with the committee on Friday, Oct. 18. Finalists will be contacted for their interview. The awardee must be able to attend the breakfast on Jan. 23.

Nominate yourself or another student.

Please submit this nomination by close of business on Tuesday, Oct. 1. Scan and e-mail to Michelle Johnson at with the subject line: 2020 MLK Student Nomination – Last name of candidate.

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