ASU student entrepreneur joins ranks of '35 under 35'

<p>What happens when you mix Richard Branson, Sam Walton and Jimmy Buffett? You get Zach Hamilton, an ASU junior and student entrepreneur. <br /><br />Branson, Walton and Buffett are just a few of the entrepreneurs Hamilton admires and enjoys reading about in his spare time – when he has spare time, that is. Most of Hamilton’s days are occupied with owning and operating <a href="; target="_blank">DevilWash</a>, a pressure-wash company that uses sustainable techniques and has won multiple ASU funding awards over the past few years, including two Edson Student Entrepreneur Initiative grants.<br /><br />The company has reached such success that Hamilton recently was named one of the “35 Arizona entrepreneurs 35 and under,” by the <em>Arizona Republic</em>. <br /><br />Hamilton joins the “35 under 35” ranks with a multitude of ASU alumni, including Brandye Billeter (Be Heard Public Relations, Phoenix), and Rebecca Finell (Boon, Inc. and Keen Distribution, Chandler), among others. Hamilton is one of just two 20-year-olds to make the list.<br /><br />Reaching such an accomplishment is not without some sacrifice.<br /><br />“Being an entrepreneur is a risky undertaking," Hamilton says. "There are no sick days, holiday breaks or safety nets. It is a 24/365 job.”&nbsp; And, it’s been years that he’s been building this work ethic; Hamilton established his first company at age 12.<br /><br />As Hamilton notes, “The only thing that is constant in the life of an entrepreneur is that there isn't enough time.”<br /><br />Connecting with other entrepreneurs is important, Hamilton says. He makes time to network with peers on a weekly basis.<br /><br />“Every person has different views on a situation. It is an entrepreneur’s job to synthesize those views with his own and move forward.”<br /><br />Hamilton’s coursework also is providing avenues for him to link up with experts in the community. Through a new mentoring program that partners the ASU Foundation’s Women &amp; Philanthropy and President’s Club members with ASU students, Hamilton is widening his network further. The program, piloted with students in My Life Venture, an interdisciplinary entrepreneurship program, housed in the W. P. Carey School of Business, began its first semester in fall 2010. Through the program, Hamilton was able to network and form organic partnerships that will move his ideas forward.<br /><br />Why invest all of this time in building a venture? As Hamilton notes, “It is important because every success and failure in life has been created by an entrepreneur."<br /><br />Add Hamilton to your entrepreneurship reading list soon.</p>