ASU announces winners of innovation awards

The University Design Consortium at ASU is proud to announce the four winners of its second annual innovation awards with the 2011 International Awards for Innovative Practices in Higher Education.

The consortium created these awards to honor excellent innovative and successful models under way at universities throughout the world. The awards showcase higher education projects and programs in four thematic areas:

• Community Engagement/Regional Development. Recognizing innovative collaboration between institutions of higher education and their larger communities, for the mutually beneficial exchange of knowledge and resources in a context of partnership and reciprocity.

• Internationalization. Recognizing innovative curricular joint ventures, such as study abroad; dual degree programs; institutional partnerships; international awareness; and hosting international faculty and students.

• Sustainability. Recognizing innovative programs and projects that meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

• Organizational Design. Recognizing innovative university reorganization/structure to meet the challenges facing our world in the 21st century.

On March 7 the University Design Consortium at Arizona State University recognized four projects/programs for its 2011 International Awards for Innovative Practices in Higher Education at the American Council on Education’s 93rd Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. The winners of the 2011 International Awards for Innovative Practices in Higher Education are:

• Indiana University. Cultural Immersion Projects: Education Unites the World Student teachers engage in fulltime classroom experience, community involvement, and service learning in 15 countries, the Navajo Nation, and Chicago Public Schools. A yearlong preparatory phase precedes the placement. Structured assignments onsite require extensive interaction with school personnel and members of the local community, extending student teacher learning well beyond the school day.

• University of Southern California. MAT@USC The partnership between 2tor, a for profit company, and USC, a private research university, to create an online Master of Arts in Teaching program has transformed not only access to high quality teacher preparation around the world, but also how we organize faculty and curricula to prepare teachers, and how we and other institutions view the potential of online learning to address shortages.

• Arizona State University. Innovation in Collaboration Research The Health Sector Supply Chain Research Consortium is an innovative university based collaborative designed to solve complex cross-cutting problems. The consortium brings together competing and complimentary organizations to define supply chain research, elevate the standard of management and delineate managerial strategies that optimize cost and clinical effectiveness, safety and sustainability.

• Leuphana University of Lüneburg – The Sustainable University: Incorporating Sustainability in Research, Teaching, Partnerships and Campus Development.

Through a unique Faculty of Sustainability Sciences, tailored bachelor, master, Ph.D. and MBA programs on sustainable development, innovative networks and a climate-neutral campus, Leuphana University has incorporated the principle of sustainable development in research, teaching, partnerships and campus development and thereby realizes the vision of a “Sustainable University.”

Their case studies are identified as Best Practices in the UDC Good Practices Clearinghouse. This database is a collection of case studies from academic institutions around the world focused on Community Engagement, Internationalization, Sustainability, and Organizational Design.

To learn more about the four winning projects/programs, please visit