Arizona Angels hold entrepreneur office hours at ASU Skysong

Entrepreners can learn more about obtaining capital during Office Hours with the Arizona Angels Investor Network, held every other Friday at ASU SkySong.

In cooperation with ASU Technopolis and Invest Southwest, the Arizona Angels offer this regular program of noontime meetings with entrepreneurs to discuss questions relating to obtaining capital for startup and expanding ventures. The program includes both formal presentations and questions and answers relating to subjects such as Presenting to Potential Investors, Developing Financial projections, Crafting Compelling Business Plans, Negotiating Term Sheets and Understanding Valuations.

The next meeting occurs from noon to 2 p.m. on Friday, March 5, 2010 and features Jamie Glass of Advisory Board Architects discussing the benefits of having an advisory board.  Entrepreneurs will learn how to recruit and utilize an effective advisory board. Glass will also discuss regular governing boards of directors.

Glass, an experienced business entrepreneur and executive leader, is the managing partner for the Arizona Advisory Board Architects (ABA) operations. She is an established senior executive who has worked with start-up ventures, as well as multibillion-dollar enterprises, in various industries for the past two decades. She has a broad depth of executive-level experience in operations, sales and marketing with an expertise in providing strategic focus on efficiency, effectiveness and return on investment.

To register for Arizona Angels Office Hours, click here.