Chinese Ministry of Education delegation visits ASU to further collaboration

Delegates from the Ministry of Education of China and deans and administrators from ASU pose for a group picture before meeting on Saturday, May 25, 2019. The groups are looking at ways to broaden educational and research partnerships between the university and Chinese institutions. Front row, from left: Sanjeev Khagram, Jun Fang and Jonathan Koppell. Photo by Charlie Leight/ASU Now
Arizona State University was pleased to host several members of a delegation from the Ministry of Education of China on May 25 to discuss collaborations between ASU and Hainan University.
In a unique collaboration overseen by the Chinese Ministry of Education, ASU partnered to establish the Hainan National University — Arizona State University International College of Tourism to address the need for highly educated professionals able to lead the growing tourism and recreation industry to the next level, creating greater economic, social and cultural benefit for local communities as millions of Chinese and international tourists explore the country.
Jun Fang, deputy director-general of the Department of International Cooperation and Exchanges, joined Dean Jonathan Koppell of the Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions and Director General and Dean Sanjeev Khagram of the Thunderbird School of Global Management and other ASU executives for the discussion. The meeting was hosted by Rick Shangraw, CEO of ASU Enterprise Partners.
“With hundreds of students now earning ASU degrees studying in China, the HNU-ASU partnership is a great example of universities breaking out of conventional models to meet needs," said Koppell, who has led the Hainan effort. “With a shared desire to meet the burgeoning need for leaders in a key area, our two schools have created something different: an Engligh-language learning environment with ASU and international faculty embedded with a Chinese university. It is the first of its kind addressing this subject matter.”
ASU has a building on the campus of Hainan University, a top-tier college in southern China, offering three degree programs.
Two of the degrees are in ASU’s School of Community Resources and Development: tourism development and management matched with Hainan’s hotel management degree, and parks and recreation management paired with Hainan’s geography and urban and rural planning degree.
The third degree program is with ASU’s School of Public Affairs — public service and public policy matched with Hainan’s public administration degree.
All are housed within the Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions but both universities are exploring a broader second phase that would involve ASU colleges addressing global trade and management, media and design and health.
ASU has long had strong, collaborative partnerships across China. Students from China are ASU’s number one international student population with 3,544 students. ASU hosted more than 200 Chinese visiting faculty scholars in 2017-18 and has more than 2,000 active alumni in China. ASU also has 21 general collaboration agreements with Chinese universities and 18 global visiting program partnerships.