ASU launches online digital photography degree

The School of Art in ASU’s Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts is launching an online BFA in digital photography. Photo by Tim Trumble, courtesy of the Herberger Institute.
The School of Art in Arizona State University's Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts is launching an online photography degree, the first online BFA degree for a studio practice-based degree from a Research 1Research 1 universities are U.S. universities ranked by Carnegie Classification System as having the highest level of research activity.
university or fine arts college in the nation.
The Bachelor of Fine Arts in art with a concentration in digital photography focuses on creative and expressive photography in the 21st century. Students will work with a faculty of practicing artists and experienced educators and have the opportunity to master technical, aesthetic and conceptual aspects of photography.
The program includes a range of required courses and electives, from exploring contemporary practice to the history of photography, and culminates with a capstone project. Students will complete photography assignments and share their work with teachers and students across the world.
“We seek to replicate the exciting experience of being in an art classroom with the added dimension of having students from varied perspectives and places participate,” said Betsy Schneider, lecturer in the School of Art. “In this program students will spend a lot of time taking pictures, exchanging ideas about pictures, reading about pictures and looking and thinking. Students will interact with other students and develop their ability to give and receive critical feedback at the same time they develop and hone their own personal vision.”
Similar to most on-the-ground studio photography courses, the primary method of learning in these classes will be project-based assignments with critiques between classmates and instructors, according to Schneider. Students will also learn through lectures, readings, exhibition visits, discussions and screenings.
After completing the degree, students will have a final portfolio, an artist statement, a community of peers and mentors, and a highly developed ability to give and receive critical feedback.
Learn more about the BFA in digital photography.