ASU, Meiji University discuss new program that will bring Japanese students to ASU

Meiji University professors Takumi Takeda (left) and Hisakazu Kato (right)

Meiji University professors Takumi Takeda (left) and Hisakazu Kato.


On March 8, Arizona State University's School of Politics and Global Studies hosted Professors Takumi Takeda, associate dean for international affairs, and Hisakazu Kato, chief associate dean in the School of Political Science and Economics from Meiji University to discuss their new joint program.

The 3+1+1 program, modeled on the successful 4+1 program, will connect the two universities to provide students with two degrees in five years. Students will spend three years in an undergraduate program in Meiji focusing on political science and economics. They will then spend two years at Arizona State University, finishing up their undergraduate experience as well as their master's degree.

“We have been globalizing our education so many students are interested in coming to the United States to study politics and economics in English,” Takeda said.

To prepare students for their collegiate experience in the United States, students are offered English training as well as both economic and political science courses taught in English while in Meiji.

“It’s a sort of preparation for them to take those courses and come to Arizona State University,” Takeda said.

Takeda added that they have had great interest from students in the early stages of recruitment for the program. Meiji hopes to send two students to begin the program in fall 2018.

The graduate program within the School of Politics and Global Studies is small and culturally diverse, according to director of graduate studies and associate professor, Magda Hinojosa. The school has graduate students from Austria, Mexico, Indonesia, Iran and all over the world but none yet from Japan.

“I’m really excited about what they can contribute,” Hinojosa said. “The learning environment is improved for everyone when we have that diversity of life experiences. I think it is going to be really exciting for us.”

Initially there were challenges with aligning the Japanese academic calendar with the American one, but Takeda and Kato both met with various faculty and staff during their visit to learn more about ASU and its academic offerings.

With the calendar challenge now solved, the group is excited about the collaboration.

“We are so happy to have this kind of relationship,” Takeda said.

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