ASU School of Politics and Global Studies director elected ISA president

Cameron G. Thies.


Cameron G. Thies, professor and director of Arizona State University's School of Politics and Global Studies, has been elected president of the International Studies Association (ISA).

ISA is the largest scholarly association in the field of international studies and international relations with over 6,500 members from more than 100 countries around the world. Approximately half of the membership comes from a political science or international relations background; the other half represents a wide variety of social science and humanities disciplines.

ISA holds an annual meeting in North America, six regional meetings and additional meetings in cooperation with other national and international associations around the globe every year. ISA also publishes seven academic journals, including the prestigious International Studies Quarterly.

Thies will begin his presidency as president-elect at the upcoming 2018 annual meeting in San Francisco. He becomes president at the conclusion of the 2019 meeting in Toronto, where he will select the theme and program chairs of the subsequent annual meeting. In 2020, he will preside over the executive committee, governing council and annual business meeting before assuming the role of past-president in Honolulu. This three-year commitment represents the culmination of many years of service in the organization.

Thies has previously served as program chair and president of the foreign policy analysis section, program chair and president of the ISA-Midwest Region, and program chair and president of the ISA-West Region upon moving to ASU. He has also held numerous committee posts within the organization, as well as serving as vice president. His record of service was recognized in 2013 with the Ladd Hollist Service Award. He has also recently been recognized with several Distinguished Scholar Awards recognizing his scholarship, teaching and service to ISA.

“This is a huge honor to serve an association that has shaped my academic career since the first meeting I attended as a graduate student in 1998," Thies said. "I hope to use the presidency to continue to give back as much as I have received from the association through the years.”

More information about the International Studies Association can be found at

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