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ASU professor cited in Slate article, 'Sexism Starts in Childhood'

Dr. Carol Martin was one of the experts cited in a recent article on

November 28, 2017

Carol Martin from Arizona State University’s T. Denny Sanford School of Social and Family Dynamics was recently cited in the article, “Sexism Starts in Childhood”, published by Slate.

Amidst a swarm of recent sexual harassment scandals, the author, Melinda Wenner Moyer, questions how she can shape her son into a man who respects women and treats them as equals.

“Encouraging co-ed friendships is one of the most important things parents (and teachers) can do,” Martin said. “When they interact with each other like this, both girls and boys learn about each other and their similarities, become more comfortable with one another, and we believe that it may provide a kind of social resiliency allowing them to deal with a range of social experiences.”

Article source: Slate

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