ASU co-sponsors social justice conference in Nairobi

Participants of "Disability and Social Justice in Kenya" conference

In June, several academic units from across Arizona State University co-sponsored a conference on "Disability and Social Justice in Kenya." The conference, which was held in Nairobi, Kenya, brought together scholars and activists from Kenya and the United States, and was co-organized by the director of the School of International Letters and Cultures Nina Berman, in collaboration with Kimani Njogu of Twaweza Communications. The team from ASU also included Paul Quinn (American Sign Language) and Rebecca Monteleone (School for the Future of Innovation in Society).

Participants covered topics related to disability and the law, support networks, mental disabilities, education, stigma, addiction, advocacy, the role of the media and more.

The conference was featured twice on Kenyan national television; coverage can be seen on Abled Differently (begins at 12:00 minutes) and Good Morning Kenya.

A publication based on the conference is currently in the making.

The conference was sponsored by the Office of Knowledge Enterprise Development, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the Division of Humanities, the Division of Social Sciences, the School of Social Transformation, the T. Denny Sanford School of Social and Family Dynamics, the School of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies, and the School of International Letters and Cultures.