The College of Nursing and Health Innovation SHOWs their support

A student kneels while holding a patients hand to do a non invasive medical procedure

Since its inception SHOW has provided free integrated care services to more than 700 underserved individuals.


As a university that assumes fundamental responsibility for the economic, social, cultural, and overall health of the communities it serves, Campaign ASU 2020 has set an ambitious goal to increase philanthropic support that enriches our communities.

The College of Nursing and Health Innovation has played an important role in helping the University accomplish this objective through our Student Health Outreach for Wellness Community Initiative (SHOW). Private philanthropic support from the BHHS Legacy Foundation, the Diane and Bruce Halle Foundation, and the Phoenix IDA provided the necessary seed funding to launch SHOW in the summer of 2015.

Since its inception SHOW has provided free integrated care services to more than 700 underserved individuals, including those experiencing homelessness in our community. In the last year alone, students from all three of Arizona’s public universities and 16 professional programs served more than 370 patients.

These efforts resulted in diversions of approximately 100 emergency department and urgent care visits. More than 50% of patients surveyed indicated they would have sought care elsewhere had SHOW not been available, which resulted in an estimated cost savings of $80,000–$100,000 for the community.

In addition, SHOW expanded services to Crossroads, Inc., the nation’s largest substance abuse treatment provider, where students and preceptors deliver both direct integrated care and health promotion programming to individuals recovering from Substance Abuse Disorders. Health promotion education and longitudinal care management services are provided by Family and Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners, Physical Therapy, and Social Work disciplines every week.

SHOW has served more than 290 residents and family members through the care management and health promotion teams since the expansion began in February 2017.

Private philanthropic support received through Campaign ASU 2020 continues to sustain SHOW’s operations and help the university accomplish its charter of assuming responsibility for the health of our community.