Navy diver chooses ASU Online to further his career

Jesse Hamilton, a diver in the Navy stationed in Florida, will work toward his degree in organizational management through ASU Online.


Editor's note: This is part of a series of profiles of fall 2017 incoming ASU students.

Jesse Hamilton has done just about everything a Navy diver can do during his 17 years on the job.

"I’ve touched all the facets — salvage, ship repair, naval special support of the SEAL team, and classified operations," said Hamilton, who's now based in Panama City, Florida.

In 2011, he started taking community college classes while he was based in California and eventually earned two associate's degrees, one in electronics and the other in supervision and management.

Later, while based in Virginia, he decided to take some university classes but found the cost too high, even with tuition assistance.

He had always wanted to be an engineer and was surprised to find that ASU Online offered an engineering program. After investigating the major map for software engineering, he realized that it would take him several years to complete the degree.

"I'm in senior leadership, so I decided to go with organizational leadership," said Hamilton, who's 35 and a chief petty officer. "I was able to transfer the full 45 credits so I'll finish by 2020."

He would like to eventually get a master's degree, probably in project managment.

"It will take me quite sometime to get all of that schooling done, so I will stay in the Navy."

Hamilton answered some questions from ASU Now:

Question: What drew you to your major?

Answer: Mostly the fact it wasn’t going to take me eight years to accomplish, and I have been leading people and managing programs in the Navy for almost a decade. Organizational leadership seemed like a simple choice. 

Q: What are you most excited to experience your first semester?

A: The fact I am starting off at a high-caliber school like ASU. 

Q: What do you like to brag about to friends about ASU?

A: The fact that people have heard of ASU instead of some degree mill.

Q: What talents and skills are you bringing to the ASU community?

A: Unique perspectives of being in the Navy and Special Operations community for over 17 years.

Q: What’s your favorite TV show right now?

A: "Luke Cage."

Q: What do you hope to accomplish during your college years?

A: Graduate with bachelor’s and master’s degrees and retire from the Navy for the private sector.

Q: What’s one interesting fact about yourself that only your friends know?

A: I’m a huge Marvel Comics Universe geek.

Q: If someone gave you $40 million to solve one problem in our world, what would you choose?

A: I would put it towards a think tank that was designed for helping American veterans.

Q: What’s your prediction on the final score for this year’s Territorial Cup game?

A: Does UA even know how to win a football game?

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