Nika Gueci named ASU mindfulness center's executive director for university engagement

Nika Gueci

The Arizona State University Center for Mindfulness, Compassion and Resilience is pleased to announce Nika Gueci as its inaugural executive director for university engagement. Nika comes to the center from the ASU Wellness and Health Services Executive Team, where she most recently served as associate director. 

Gueci believes that the development of skills such as mindfulness and compassion can lead to lifelong resilience. In her new role, she will leverage and connect student, faculty and staff talent within ASU and the surrounding community with the goal of providing innovative opportunities to engage in workshops, trainings and research that encourages compassion in ourselves and others, leading to a greater resilience throughout our lifespan. The center will be a driving force behind creating a culture of well-being by weaving mindfulness into the fabric of ASU and the larger community.

Gueci has been working in college and public health for more than a decade, examining topics from collegiate recovery to suicide prevention. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Russian from Columbia University in the City of New York and a Master of Arts degree in Communication Studies from New Mexico State University. She plans to complete her Doctor of Education in Leadership and Innovation from ASU in 2018.

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