Christen Forrester

Christen Forrester is a graduate student in the Master of Science in design program in The Design School in the Arizona State University Herberger Institute. She was recently recognized by the ASU Graduate College as an outstanding graduate student for her collaboration with Aaron Redman and Erin Frisk, graduate students from the School of Sustainability, in the creation of FAVE Bags, reusable fruit and vegetable bags that are produced by women in rural El Salvador.
Forrester's graduate research focuses on the integral role of design in social advocacy, sustainability and innovative product development, applying these concepts in the establishment of a collaborative venture that aims to solve the problem of plastic waste, while providing upliftment opportunities for women in rural, underdeveloped communities and saving retailers thousands of dollars a year.
"Empower Women, Protect the Planet," is the FAVE Bag tagline and philosophy upon which the company was founded. FAVE Bags have already found great success in local independent grocery stores and farmers markets and hope to expand into larger grocery chains in the near future.
For more information, visit: ASU Research Stories