The Rogue Trio

The trio includes Kathleen Strahm, a Doctor of Musical Arts in violin performance student; Justin Rollefson, a Doctor of Musical Arts in saxophone performance student; and Mary Price, a Doctor of Musical Arts in collaborative piano student.
The members of The Rogue Trio, who have been playing together for two years, earned this opportunity after winning the String Division of the MTNA Chamber Music Competition. They will compete in the semi-finals round that will take place at Arizona State University, Jan. 8–10, during the MTNA Southwest Conference.
"This competition is an opportunity to introduce the sound of this unique instrumentation (violin, saxophone and piano) to a wider community," says Price. "We are looking forward to sharing these works that include everything from very Romantic French repertoire, to some cutting edge crossover works."
The winner of this round will then compete in the National Finals during the MTNA National Conference in San Antonio, Texas, in April.
"We'll have to present very convincing performances to be selected by the judges to represent our school, state and division at the national level," says Price.