Sarah Sullivan

Sarah Sullivan is a third-year Master of Fine Arts Theatre for Youth candidate in the Arizona State University Herberger Institute School of Theatre and Film. During the 2009-2010 academic year, she served as artist-in-residence at the Tumbleweed Center for Youth Development's Phoenix Drop-in Center, an organization that provides basic needs and services for homeless and at-risk youth. As the culminating event of this residency, she directed an original play, collaboratively created and performed by clients from the Drop-in Center.
Titled, "Live Out Loud," the play explored the personal stories and experiences of the young people who created it, and provided a personal perspective on the issue of homelessness in the Phoenix community. The show performed to sold-out crowds as part of the Phoenix Fringe Festival, then toured to Mesa Community College and The Learning Center in Phoenix. This project received a 2010 Entrepreneurial Advantage Project grant, and more than 200 people saw the work during the course of its performances.